Aberdare National Park

Fact File: Aberdare National Park

Altitude: 1,829-4,001 metres above sea level.
Area: 767 sq. km.
Location: Central highlands west of Mount Kenya.
Distance from Nairobi: 180 km.
Climate: Cool and cloudy with frequent heavy rain in March - June and September - December.
Vegetation: Rich alpine and sub-alpine flora giving way to bamboo and montane forests at higher altitudes.
Animals: Include blue and colobus monkey, leopard, lion, elephant, warthog, black rhino, giant forest hog, bushbuck, buffalo, red duiker, suni, serval, reedbuck, eland and the rare bongo antelope.
Birds: The prolific bird life features 250 recorded species.
Gates:  Ark Gate, Treetops, Ruhuruini, Kiandongoro, Mutubio, Wandaris, Shamata and Rhino.

Aberdare National Park


A beautiful Green World
Encircled by the wild and beautiful moorlands of the third highest mountain range in Kenya, this atmosphere Park offers a mist-wreathed realm where elephant roam through lichen-hung forests, spectacular waterfalls plunge into churning pools, and trout-filled streams cascade through mossy dells. A haven for anglers, walkers and lovers of solitude alike, it also offers matchless views of the glittering coronet of Mount Kenya and the sparkling lakes of the Great Rift Valley.

A window on history
The park is also famous for freedom fighters hideouts where we have Mau caves that were being used by field marshal General Dedan Kimathi and his Mau Mau prior to independence. The Kimathi post office where agents used to drop messages for Mau Mau fighters led by legendary field Marshal general Dedan Kimathi in the aberdare and Mt. Kenya forest

Originally known as 'Nyandarua' (the drying hide) due to the distinctive folds of its silhouette, the ranges was re-named in 1884 by the explorer, Joseph Thompson, after Lord Aberdare, the President of the Royal Geographical Society. Dubbed the 'White Highlands' because of the large numbers of Europeans who settled there in the 1920's, they also achieved notoriety due to the decadent antics of the 'Happy Valley Set' of the warriors of the Wanjohi Valley. Also during the 1950's, the dense forests and bamboo thickets witnessed much of the action between British forces and the 'Mau Mau' freedom fighters.

The original "Treetops' hotel fell under the spotlight of the world when the young Princess Elizabeth descended its steps as Queen Elizabeth II of England in 1952.

Foraging Mountain Elephants
The Park provides a unique habitat for approximately two thousand elephant, which roam the clouded hills and misty glades and provide endless atmospheric viewing opportunities.

Spectacular waterfalls
The Park is renowned for its torrential waterfalls plunging from cloud-shrouded
heights to spray-filled ravines. They include the magnificent Karuru Falls, which drop 300m, the impressive Gura Falls which torrent from the opposite side of the same gorge, the sheer drop of the Chania Falls, and the enchanting Magura Falls which cascade across the yawning mouth of the Queen's Cave.

A Visit to the Aberdare

Things to Do

Mountain climbing, hiking and walking
Climbing to the peak of Satima can be an exciting experience. It is less strenuous high-attitude trek as compared to Mt. Kenya and can be a great start to an adventure for all. There are also countless panoramic moorland hikes and forest walks. Permission is required from the Warden to walk, hike or climb in the Park and you must be accompanied by an armed KWS Ranger, whose services will be booked and everything else about the hike facilitated by Sky Queen Safaris.

Excellent fishing in the cool mountain streams
Both brown and rainbow trout abound in the cool mountain streams and provide excellent angling. (A sports fishing license can be obtained at the Park gates)

Game Drives
The explorable parts of the park provide excellent game viewing opportunities. More is to be seen for those residing at the Ark Lodge with the water-hole overlooking the elevated lodge attracting a hordes from the wild for a drink.

Ornithology enthusiasts are bound to have excellent bird viewing experience in the Aberdare

The Ark, a unique day and night game-viewing lodge modelled on Noah's Ark.
The Aberdare Country Club, the access point for The Ark and an elegant country house hotel offering luxury accommodation and extensive facilities. 
Treetops, the world famous tree-house lodge.
The Outspan Hotel
, the access point for Treetops and a luxurious colonial-style hotel offering extensive facilities.

Brochure & Holiday Ideas

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