Lake Nakuru National Park

Fact File: Lake Nakuru National Park

Area & Altitude: The park covers an approximate area of 188 sq. km. and is situated at the bottom of the Rift Valley floor at an altitude of 1,756 metres above sea level.
Distance from Nairobi: 160 kms North-West of Nairobi about 2 hrs road drive.
Climate: Warm and dry
Vegetation: 550 plant species and varied woodlands to include Acacia woodlands, Euphorbia and Olea forests.
Fauna: Include Thomson's and Grant's gazelle, the rare long-eared leaf-nosed bat, colobus monkey, rock hyrax, hippo, leopard, lion, rhinos and many others (see checklist)
Birds: Up to 1.5 million flamingo plus 450 other species of birds.

Lake Nakuru National Park


Lake Nakuru is the 'pink lake'. This is a result of millions of fuchsia-pink flamingo that flock to feed on the teeming algae of its alkaline waters. This makes Lake Nakuru National park an ornithologist's paradise, supplemented greatly by a uniquely rewarding game-viewing venue and a sanctuary for both black and white rhino. Its pink-frosted shores, sky-mirrored waters, the panoramas of surrounding Rift Valley landscapes and  amazing sunsets also yield some of the most evocatively beautiful photo-images in Africa.

Game Drive Expectations
Lake Nakuru's lesser flamingo population can reach a pulsating pink mass of over 1 .5 million birds. At times, however, they may also relocate to other Rift Valley lakes. Greater flamingo also visit, but in smaller numbers. An ornithologist's paradise with 450 species of birds The Park offers an incredible 450 different species of water, fish-eating, terrestrial and migratory birds to include pelican, fish eagle, secretary bird, heron, egret, hammerkop and grebe.

Kenya's first rhino sanctuary
Established as Kenya's first rhino sanctuary, the Park now hosts one of the largest black rhino concentrations in the country while substantial numbers of white rhino have also been introduced. How to tell black from white: both are grayish in colour but white rhino have a wide, flat snout suitable for grazing while black rhino have a concave back and a triangular prehensile lip for browsing on trees and shoots. Where to find them: black rhino prefer bushy forested areas, while white rhino prefer to graze in open grasslands, most especially those of the lake shore.

Catch the best views of the lake
For the finest views of the lake visit Baboon Cliff, Lion Hill and Out of Africa Hill. Lion Hill is the great inspiration for Disney's movie the Lion King. The park has a pick of the picnic sites at Baboon Cliff, Out of Africa Hill and Acacia picnic site (near the Main Gate). The Park is also pleasurable to drive around due to its easy to follow topography, good roads and clear signposting.

The Lake Nakuru Safari Experience

Great Sights of the Rift Valley Floor

Lake Nakuru National Park is highly photogenic especially from elevated views and the lake side. The park serves as a great addition to a Masai Mara safari and has unique provision because of its prolific water birds and its surrounding landscapes. The flora is a typical voice that says ' you are in tropical Africa', the flat topped acacia trees, Euphorbia and Olea forests. Stay at the Lion Hill Lodge within the park for a Sarova treat.

Lake Nakuru National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage sie and its internationally recognized as an IBA (Important Bird Area) since 2009 with over 400 bird species living in the park. In 1990 Lake Nakuru was declared a RAMSAR site. The landscape consists of steep rocky escarpments, dense forests as well as hills wich act as grande viewpoints over the lake's vistas. Soysambu Conservancy lies to the South Eastern boundary of the park


  • The lake itself with a host of game foraging the shores - the water buck, buffalo, white rhino
  • Great bird spectactle - flamingos and pelicans
  • Predators and large mammals.Spot leopards hiding up the savannah woods
  • Over 450+ bird species recorded
  • Makalia falls, great views of the Rift Valley floor from Lion Hill, Baboon Hill and Out of Africa Hill.

Animal Checklist:
Thomson's and Grant's gazelle, the rare long-eared leaf-nosed bat, colobus monkey, rock hyrax, hippo, leopard, lion, waterbuck, impala, gazelle, striped hyena, bat-eared fox, wild cat, reedbuck, golden cat, black and white rhino and the endangered Rothschild's giraffe

Bird Life:
Prolific birdlife features 450+ species

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